Our network today is comprised of experts and activists, that support the work of Margrit Kennedy on monetary literacy and reform.

The currently active members that have joined Margrit Kenndedy before 2012 are Ralf Becker, Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Brunnhuber, Heinz-Ulrich Eisner, Christian Gelleri, Dr. Hugo Godschalk, Dr. Eva-Maria Hubert, Heike Isenschmid, Frank Jansky, Christian Kreiss, Kathrin Latsch, Jens Martignoni, Norbert Rost, Ludwig Schuster, Roland Spinola.

Our gratitude extends to those founding members who are no longer with us or active:

As a management consultant, Otmar Donnenberg war familiar with organizational development in the health and industrial sectors, through projects in the Netherlands (where he lived for 35 years), in Germany and in Austria. In his coaching for change – both personal and organizational coaching – he concentrated on learning strategies for change. Otmar Donnenberg died […]

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Rolf Merten, born 1952, trained as a wholesale and export merchant, an economist and a psychologist. He took advanced training with the Bavarian Rural Medical Chamber in psychotherapy and pyschoanalysis, Gestalt therapy training in Berlin and at the Fritz Perls Institute in Düsseldorf, where he now teaches. Rolf has been the manager of the ‘Inselhaus […]

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Franz Galler (age 51) comes from the Bavarian community of Ainring and is the founder of the regional currency initiative Sterntaler and the cooperative RegioSTAR eG. As a trained bank manager he worked in the banking business for over 25 years and is now an independent wealth advisor. In 2010 he founded the ‘Office for […]

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Prof. Dr. Harald Spehl was born in 1940 in Hohen-Neuendorf near Berlin and studied economics in Münster, Berlin und Rosario/Argentina. Later he was a research and teaching assistant at the universities of Münster and Cologne, gaining his doctorate in 1970. From 1973-1975 he was Professor of Economics in the Planning Deparment at the University of […]

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Prof. Dr. Ulrich Scheiper teaches economics and political economy at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and was a member of the Advisory Board of the German Regional Economics Association. He writes this about himself: “The ‘fog around money’ also long prevented me from getting a clear view of the great flaws in our money […]

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John Rogers has been developing and promoting local and regional currencies since 1993. He was co-director of the Wales Institute for Community Currencies at the University of Newport and has written three books about regional currencies: The Map – How To Out Your Local Economy Local Money – What Difference Does It Make? People Money […]

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Bernard Lietaer has been active in a wide variety of functions in the world of finance. At the Belgian Central Bank he was responsible for the introduction of the convergence mechanism for the single European currency system (ECU). After a period as president of the electronic payment system in Belgium he was cofounder and general […]

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Margrit Kennedy committed herself to the search for better economic solutions for almost three decades. She co-developed practical alternatives, such as the “Chiemgauer” currency in Bavaria. She gave hundreds of talks and interviews, wrote several books and many articles. Her first career was as an international architect, regional planner and ecologist. She worked in the […]

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