Growing inequality, apocalyptic environmental damage, and the protracted effects of a global financial crisis have resulted in a discussion on the role of our monetary system for the organization of society. At the same time, new technological and financial developments are giving rise to much experimentation on new forms of money. This course looks at various attempts to “re-imagine money.”


  Für diejenigen, die sich an Margrit Kennedy erinnern, gibt es gute Nachrichten: Die Biografie, der 2013 verstorbenen Gründerin von monneta ist im oekom Verlag erschienen!     Der Autor Peter Krause hat die verschiedenen Etappen dieses reichen Lebens durchgehend recherchiert und konnte viele ausführliche autobiografische Aufzeichnungen verwenden. So portraitiert das Buch die hochbegabte und […]


„Nachtschicht“ – Podiumsdiskussion in der Denkfabrik des Bundesarbeitsministeriums zum Schwerpunkt Geld vom 22. Januar 2020 (ca. 120 Minuten). Die Monneta-Expertin Kathrin Latsch diskutierte gemeinsam mit Dr. Natalie Tillack (Scalewonder), Jakob von Weizsäcker (Bundesministerium für Finanzen), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weisser (Numismatische Kommission der Länder), Lisa Nienhaus (Die Zeit) und Francesca Schmidt (Gunda-Werner-Institut) den „Wert von Währungen […]


Today, with a new financial crisis on the horizon, the need to understand and rethink money and banking seems more important than ever. In line with an increasing number of politicians and economists, we acknowledge the urgency of understanding the deficiencies of the current money system and the need to examine monetary reforms and alternative forms of money as means to create a more stable and sustainable future.


The online-summer school Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS; 5 ECTS, completely in English) addresses the problems of the current economic and financial systems from a holistic perspective and offers an overview of innovative reform proposals. The interdisciplinary program is open to students and professionals of all fields, who get to learn about why a drastic systemic […]
