MONNETA is a centre of excellence and network of experts that concentrates on sustainable financial economy, social economy and complementary currency systems and communicates knowledge of alternatives to the current money system and financial economy. MONNETA’s Associates share the conviction that there are better alternatives and that a variety of money systems would be better for people, economy and nature than just one.

A list our founding members who are deceased or not active any more can be found here.


Ralf Becker, born 1966, is a graduate in Business Administration and Economic Science of Wilhelms University, Münster in Westfalen (1987-1993). He won a scholarship from the fund for gifted students of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation to finance his studies. As co-founder of the debt forgiveness campaign and former advisor for the study “Sustainable Germany” […]

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Leander Bindewald holds a PhD in economics from the University of Lancaster, UK, and master degrees in neurobiology (2007) and philosophy (2009) from the University of Freiburg, Germany. For the past ten year he has worked on the topic of currency diversity as a consultant and advocate in various countries in Europe, Asia and North […]

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Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Brodbeck (born 1948) is an economist, engineer, business ethicist, philosopher and creativity researcher. He was Professor of Economics, Statistics and Creative Technology at the Technical University of Würzburg and at the Technical University for Politics in Munich. He has published many books and articles on economics, financial science, money, philosophy and creativity. […]

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Stefan Brunnhuber combines a broad range of knowledge from very different disciplines, and put them all in service of creating transformative solutions, particularely to improve the world of money. He is an economist and psychiatrist, a member of the Club of Rome and a senator of the European Academy of Sciences. His main occupation is […]

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Philipp Degens is reseacher at the faculty of social sciences at Hamburg university. He studied history, sociology and ehtnology and economics at the Universtiy of Colon. For his doctoral thesis, he researched assigned meaning and use of regional currencies like the Brixton Pound, Stroud Pound (both in the UK) and the Vorarlbergtaler (Austria). Apart from […]

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Heinz-Ulrich Eisner (born 1964) has had a varied career as an art therapist, a carpenter, a complementary therapist and Certified Rolfer®. He lives with his partner and son in an intentional community in Kassel, „Villa Locomuna” (, which they helped co-found. He is currently a freelance body therapist and co-owner of the firm TrackCase. Since […]

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Christian Gelleri, age 35, has substantially influenced the spread of regional currencies in Germany through his leadership of the regional currency Chiemgauer in Bavaria. He is a trained teacher of business studies and economics. At the beginning of 2003, whilst working as a teacher of economics at the Waldorf School in Chiemgau he co-initiated the […]

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Dr. Hugo Godschalk is a native of the Netherlands (born 1957), who studied economics at the University of Münster/Westfalen (1974-1979). This was followed by five years of economic research which led to his doctorate in 1982 on the future of finance in the computer age. In 1984, he began working for the GZS Society for […]

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Prof. Dr. Silja Graupe is Professor of Economics and Philosophy at the Cusanus Hochschule, an innovative new educational institution in the Mosel area, and is a member of its Governing Board. She studied business engineering at the Technical University Berlin and at the Sophia University in Tokyo, writing her economics doctorate with a critical review of […]

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Dr. Eva-Maria Hubert is an economist who researches economic history, monetary theories, monetary policy and complementary currencies and economic forms. She is currently developing the ‘middle way’ for economy and society in the 21st century. She is married with two adult children. Publications: Sozialtechnik Geld und Währungsmorphologie, in: Zeitschrift für Sozialökonomie, 172, Februar 2012. Wirtschaften […]

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