Against a backdrop of citizenry’s mistrust towards the governments of their own countries   successive economic crises over the years have further widened the gap between the local and central institutions. In view of these challenges, complementary currencies may be able to reconnect the knots of the citizens with formal institutions (and vice versa).

Many experiences with complementary means of payment in recent years have resulted in systems of mutual exchange traceable to business communities, with the creation of closed circuits in which members voluntarily exchange goods and services, offsetting debts with credits. Or with initiatives characterized by solidarity and participatory systems aimed at strengthening community relations for development that aims at being financially and economically sustainable. One of the unknowns often encountered is the relationship with national and subnational institutions and in particular on the presence or absence of specific state regulatory references. In the case, in fact, of weakness of state norms, the production of goods and services has moved “regardless” of such references, eschewing the formal economy. The need to meet the motivations from below, born to avoid processes of impoverishment of communities, through the use of complementary monetary circulation systems, and the ability of regional and local institutions to transpose the pushes from below are at the basis of the possibility of creating social innovation or, in negative cases, an economic reality at the edge of the invisible. It is therefore on these issues that we invite researchers, activists and anyone interested in such processes to the conference entitled: “The Future of Money: Democracy, Localism and Inclusion.”

Themes for paper presentations are:

  • Digitalization – Can CCS help bridge the distance between the technological and digital divides. Suggested key words: 4th industrial revolution, Digital currencies, Crypto currencies etc.
  • Regional/Local – Communication between local/ regional administrations and communities through CCS. Suggested key words: Decentralization, Decommodification, (Re-)Distribution, Social cohesion, social innovation, Community resilience, Community development and Local development.
  • Welfare state how CCS can help the social system. Suggested key words: Debt crises, Poverty, Inequality, Liquidity, Inflation, Ethical finance, Social harmony, Social justice, etc.
  • Enviroment The role of the CCS in the field of sustainable and biodiversity. Suggested key words: Perpetual pandemics, Energy transition, Natural resources, Ecology, Green New Deal, Green investment.
  • Historical – the different economic, social and cultural phases of the history of complementary currencies. Suggested key words: history, transition phases, civil society, currency.
  • CCS – Review and renew. Case studies, concepts, experience reports.

Deadlines for submission of papers (May 15th), registration and more information will be published in due time on