What may money look like in a sustainable, thriveable society?
A survey of innovative economics teaching turned up numerous adjectives: not only doughnut economics but also plural economics, regenerative economics, sustainable economics, intentional economics, quantum economics…
…but sadly little new content.
One reason: the nature of money is taken as a given.
“Money is not considered an important subject in itself. Economists, it seems, think about money less than most people do.” – David Orrell (writer, mathematician)
And yet:
“Money is the highest leverage point for improving all other systems.” – Bernard Lietaer (economist, author and educator)
We’ll use the powerful futures thinking tool Causal Layered Analysis (CLA), and expect by the end of the workshop to have a small set of responses, as a basis for further experimentation, research, and education.
Event host: Lawrence Kampf
Facilitator: Marcus Bussey, Senior Lecturer in History and Futures, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Co-facilitators: Miriam Sannum (ecologist, lecturer, sheep farmer)
More information and registration here: https://legacy17.org/moneyfuturesworkshop/