Veranstaltung auf English mit Deutscher Übersetzung.
Das Digipay4Growth EU Projekt mit prominenten Partnern aus dem Bereich Komplementärer Währungen und dem öffentlichen Sektor, lief von 2014 bis 2016. Die Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen werden auf dieser Veranstaltung vorgestellt. Mehr Information hier.
Von ihrer Webseite:
„Do you live or work in a region where SMEs need extra clients, sales and turnover. Or where innovative SMEs need a nurturing environment?
We invite you to join the Digipay4Growth conference on the 6th of October 2016 in Vienna where the Digipay4Growth project results will be presented. At the conference you can learn how local/regional governments can increase the economic impact of regional expenditures and how Circuits of businesses can obtain high-risk credits and additional clients .
The showcases in the Digipay4Growth project are supported by the European Commission. The project uses Cyclos software, which received the E-pay innovation award of 2014 from the payment industry. The showcases presented at the conference will demonstrate different ways to optimise the economic performance of your own region.
We hope to welcome you on the 6th of October.“
Click here for more information on the conference and the programme.