Here is a list of past events. Current events are here.

On Sunday the 10th of June, a referendum about the introduction of a new monetary system will be held in Switzerland.

This marks a historic chance, allowing citizens to vote on who is to issue the money they use: leaving it to commercial banks as practices today or restore this as the exclusive right of the central bank.

More information about the referendum and the camplaing that brought it about can be found here:

This is the first of a series of Finance Watch workshops aimed at providing Finance Watch Members, but also regulators, journalists and other interested stakeholders, with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the diverse, and often challenging, landscape of Financial Technologies (FinTech) and to stimulate a discussion about their potential role in making finance serve society better.

More information about the day here:

Registration here.

Join the Independent Money Alliance for two days of talks, discussion, workshops, networking – and socialising! Meet financial activists from the UK and beyond, share learnings, be inspired by the latest innovation and challenge your preconceptions.

A must for anyone involved in the world of local and alternative currencies, as well as anyone interested in challenging the financial status quo, Money, Power and People will feature a mix of inspirational ideas and pragmatic help for local currency practitioners.

More information, agenda and registration here:

Democracies and open societies have recently suffered a number of setbacks. As the adverse impacts of financial crises, inequalities in wealth and income, globalized trade and capital mobility have become more pronounced the world is increasingly threatened by authoritarian populism. In this context of turmoil, many of the accepted doctrines and policies that had previously been taken for granted have been challenged, and concerns have been raised regarding the possible futures of economically and politically “open societies“.

Organised in close collaboration with Utrecht University‘s “Institutions for Open Societies” research programme, the Fourth WINIR Conference is set against this backdrop. The conference especially welcomes contributions from any academic discipline that address the challenges and dynamics of the economic, political, legal and social institutions of our time. Submissions on any other aspect of institutional research are also welcome.

The conference will open on the afternoon of Thursday 14 September and end on the evening of Saturday 16 September 2017. There will be an optional tour of historic Utrecht on the morning of Sunday 17 September.

Link to the article

Link to the event’s webpage

If you are researching policies that support resilience and social-ecological transformations to sustainability, UNRISD would like to hear from you. We are organizing a session on “The Transformation we want: Towards a global policy environment for resilient futures” at the Resilience 2017 conference, taking place in Stockholm, Sweden on 21-23 August 2017 and are seeking abstracts on policy reforms and innovations which will produce environmentally sustainable and socially just solutions.
About the UNRISD session

The session is part of the theme on social-ecological transformations for sustainability. Starting from the definition of transformative change proposed in the UNRISD 2016 Flagship Report the session aims to advance the understanding of the political processes underlying eco-social policy approaches that integrate environmentally sustainable and socially just solutions. It seeks to inform global policy debates with an analysis of the processes of change required to promote sustainability and resilience.
What we are looking for

For the UNRISD session, we are looking for national or subnational level examples of policy reform that combine and prioritize social and environmental goals for more sustainable and transformative outcomes. In these examples, we are particularly interested in the politics and power relations that shape transformative change. Abstracts are invited for papers that will address the following questions:

How does the new or adjusted policy prioritize environmental and social objectives in an integrated “eco-social” framework?
What are the inclusive and democratic characteristics of the reform process?
What new institutions, coordination mechanisms or partnerships have emerged from the new/adjusted policy?
How is the policy design based on human rights and part of a comprehensive and integrated strategy?
What fundamentally different outcomes (transformative change) are driven by the new/reformed policy ?
How is the new/reformed policy financed?

Submissions are welcome from scholars, practitioners and policy makers. Priority will be given to developing country examples.

Link to the article

Link to the event’s webpage

The Summer School Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (5 ECTS, completely in English) is open to students and professionals of all fields and offers alternatives to the processes that are putting strains on our economic and eco-social boundaries. In addition to classic and new concepts from the field of economics, students will also hear presentations from natural and social sciences and discuss the actual leeway for economic and monetary reform.

More information and registration here:

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The 4th International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies will take place from Wed 10th to Sun 14th May 2017, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOC (, Castelldefels, Barcelona-Spain).

More information, call for papers, registration here.

UOC will organise the event together with Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems (RAMICS), the International Journal of Community Currency Research (IJCCR), Catalan Solidarity Economy Network (XES), Instituto de la Moneda Social (IMS), and with other organisations to be confirmed.

The 4th Conference’s goal is to reflect on social and complementary currencies as tools which, on being implemented by people themselves, nurture the social change in favour of a completely sustainable development. Self-management, trust, closeness, respect and benevolence, among others are quite determining elements in the future of such sorts of initiatives. However, and as in any sort of behavior, it is necessary that such a behavior should be well accepted in people’s daily actions so it should be lasting over time. The awareness-building in the whole process, as well as the drive promoted from the innermost part of our being, from personal values, are the key to warrant the survival of this sort of initiatives.

We have to ask ourselves whether members of the communities operating with social and complementary currencies are really aware of the motivations which have moved them towards this, as well as of the consequences brought about by their actions. Is it about an opportunist behaviour? Or is it rather a behaviour which really bets for the sustainability? Is there any reason in this respect? Is there any dominant motivation? What makes some initiatives more lasting over time than others? Is there any sort of behavior to nurture it?

These and other questions, on the basis of debates, presentations, workshops, experiences… are intended to be answered under a multidisciplinary viewpoint, either from the own theoretical viewpoint or from the daily practice, either from the academy or from the activism. Solely and exclusively, the fusion of both fields can warrant a real progress of this sort of communities, an advance towards the implementation of social and complementary currency systems which are sustainable over time, are worth of redundancy, are to nurture the whole sustainability of life in the Mother Earth.

That is why the conference’s official title is:

4th International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies:

money, awareness and values for the social change.

NESI Global Forum “New Economy and Social Innovation”, to be held on 19-22 April in Málaga (Spain) is a meeting place for people and organisations working to create a more sustainable, fair, collaborative and people-oriented New Economy.

Professionals and citizens are calling to participate in this “Call for Proposals” open for those who want to share their good practices and/or solve a challenge through a collaborative process.


Good practices to be replicated:
Real good practices or positive experiences implemented by the applicants in any of the four main tracks of NESI.

Collaborative challenges:
Challenge/opportunity/goal that either businesses /NGOs/social movements or governments are facing. They must be framed under any of the 4 main tracks.

Any person, organisation, business, NGO, government as well as academic and research centres with some

innovative story/experience to tell or challenge to face can send a proposal.

The deadline of this call for proposals finishes at 5pm 10th January 2017

Opportunity to present your proposal during the Global Forum NESI.
One Free ticket for each speaker to the Global Forum NESI and 3 more tickets with special discount. (accommodation is not included)
Promotion of your project through NESI international networks.

Any questions, please contact

Link to the article

Link to the event’s webpage

The Digipay4Growth EU Projekt with prominent partners amongst complementary currency innovators and public sector ran from 2014 to end of 2016. Results and experiences will be presented at this event in Vienna. Registration and more info here.

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During this event of the EU Social Innovation Week implementation-experts, local politicians, innovative leaders and leading scientists will elaborate on a variety of community currencies from all over the world: why choose a CC as instrument, what choices were made and what pitfalls where avoided, how does it work in real life and most of all: what are the measurable effects?

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