Here is a list of past events. Current events are here.

Which challenges does digitalization pose to money, banking and monetary policy? Should central banks introduce digital cash to respond to these challenges? Which consequences would digital cash have for the economy? Are other or further reforms needed?

We want to build on the success of the conference “The future of money” in Frankfurt last November and once again gathered international experts, central banks, researchers and banks to discuss proposals for how a sustainable money system could be designed in today’s digitized and globalized world.

The conference will be in three parts: (1) the problems of the current development, (2) the e-krona, and (3) alternative solutions beyond the e-krona. All parts will end with a panel discussion.

More Information and registration on the organisers’ website.

Money matters.

Money is created, money is destroyed. Money is spent, money is earned. Money is borrowed, money is lent. Money is debt that creates income. Money divides us, money unites us. Money is a social, a political and a juridical relationship. We cannot escape it.


More information and registration on the website of the organiser

  The forum orgenised by the Change Finance Coalition will bring together:  

  • A movement of civil society organisations and activists
  • A network of academics and experts
  • Sustainable economy and finance practitioners
  • Engaged citizens

  What can you expect?  

  • A great line-up of speakers
  • A unique network
  • A charged atmosphere
We will continue to develop our vision and strategy for a global Change Finance campaign in 2019 and beyond.
More informatino and registration here.

The Conference aims at debating the current debt-based money system and two major reforms in three parallel tracks and three sessions:

Current Money System

How exactly does the public private partnership of the current money system work?

Which changes to the structure of the current money system are currently debated?

Vollgeld / Sovereign Money​

What is Vollgeld?

What are the implications of such a monetary reform?

Can it be implemented in the current institutional framework?


Why Cryptocurrencies?

What is the economic theory behind them?

Latest trends in technology and consensus mechanisms.

More information and registration at:

Money is all around us. For most of us it determines status and success, it equates to power, pleasure and security. Even the majority of economists see it as a neutral and natural constituent of our socio-economic fabric. Yet, and reinforced by the financial crisis of 2008, questions about today’s monetary system, its institutional setup, governance and significance have been raised. Throughout history so called complementary currencies have existed in communities and parallel economies that expressed different value systems and enabled collaboration at odds with the conventional market logic. In this Lab we will unravel the nature of the money as we know it. And we will examine and experiment with novel currencies as social technologies to empower the economies of transition that are needed for social justice and sustainable development.

Workshop in English, more information and registration here (limited early bird tickets and discounts available):

More information and registration at

Monetary reform conference with a comprehensive line up of speaker, including Prof. Steve Keen, Prof. Josef Huber, Prof. Richard Werner, Congressman Dennis Kucinich and many others.

More information about the speakers here:

More information about the event and registration here:

Organised by IFLAS (the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability at the Unversity of Cumbria) as part of the UNCTAD World Investment Forum in Geneva, Blockchains for Sustainable Development will be one of the very few blockchain-focused events this year that will have heads of state and senior government officials from around the world attending. Many of the world’s top companies working to apply these technologies to the functions of government, the economy and trade will be attending. Unlike other blockchain conferences which are focused on the choir of those in favour, this session will take a broader perspective on the implications of these technologies, in the presence of those who will shape this sector as political leaders, regulators, public service providers, investors and philanthropists. This is therefore an unprecedented opportunity to focus knowledge gathering and networking for real progress. And, unlike others, this session is free to attend.

More info and registration at:

After three successful conferences in 2015,2016 and 2017 we are glad to announce our 4th Annual Monetary and Economics Scientific Conference. The conference is organized by the Monetary and Economic Research Center (MRC) and the department of Finance of UNWE. The Union of Ecnomists in Bulgaria and economic laboratorie CRIISEA are sponsors and coorganizers of the conference. It will take place at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria on 11-13th October, 2018.

Researchers interested in issues of monetary and economic problems are invited to discuss their work and to exchange ideas. Both empirical and theoretical studies within the following fields could be submitted:

  1. Monetary and Financial Economics
  2. International Economics and International Political Economy
  3. Economic History and History of Economic Thought
  4. Management& Marketing

The conference is open to anybody involved in these research areas, including both young and experienced researchers, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals from business, government and non-governmental institutions.

Keynote Speakers

  1. Xavier Richet, Emeritus professor, University Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, Jean Monnet Chaire ad personam, distinguished scholar on Eastern Europe and Balkans economies
  2. Prof. Mihail Golovin – Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Working languages

The official working language is English. Sessions in Russian, French and Bulgarian could be held depending on the request of participants.

The event is jointly organized by the Monetary Research Center (, Department of Finance at UNWE and The Union of Economists in Bulgaria.

More information, call for papers and registration at:

The 6th International Degrowth Conference in Malmö, Sweden, titled “Dialogues in turbulent times” will take place from August 21-25. It is organized by the Institute for degrowth studies (Institutet för nerväxtstudier),

This conference aims at expanding the geographical and thematic scope of degrowth discussions, as well as building dialogues with critical social theories, sciences and social movements. Malmö is a perfect city to host such a conference. Vibrant and mixed, but also relaxed and down-to-earth, it has a strong presence of alternative forms of organising and a varied cultural and grassroots life. We want this conference to further consolidate these and act as a platform for mutually enriching dialogues among groups from around the globe striving for a better world.

> More information
> Registration

Is a world dominated by profit and competition a good place to be? This summer program focuses on ways to restructure economic systems to embody sustainable use of resources and a more collaborate society overall.

At AEMS you learn about:

  • The variety of alternative economic and monetary systems that are already in practice worldwide.
  • Ecologic sustainability, population growth and the longterm managment of natural resources and energy.
  • Business ethics, consumerism, solidarity and the common good: The need for a new philosophy.

More information and registration soon here:

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