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Jump directly to the following questions covered in this interview:

Q 1 –   How did you start thinking about money?
Q 2 –   Is your work on money-systems related to your personal experiences?
Q 3 –   What did you expect when you started your research and what do you think about your findings today?
Q 4 –   Do you see any positive effect of the financial-crisis of 2008?
Q 5 –   Do you think we will experience more financial crises in the future?
Q 6 –   Where do you see big obstacles for changing the financial system?
Q 7 –   Which practical projects do you consider capable of changing something in our economy?
Q 8 –   How likely is it, trying to make a living with work that you really enjoy?
Q 9 –   What would you tell people who feel helpless and ask, what they can do to make a change?
Q 10 – Does the monetary system hurt people? Do you have personal experience with systemic violence of the financial system?
Q 11 – How is scarcity of money artificially built into our system?
Q 12 – Regarding your children – what do you fear and what do you hope for?