MONNETA is a centre of excellence and network of experts that concentrates on sustainable financial economy, social economy and complementary currency systems and communicates knowledge of alternatives to the current money system and financial economy. MONNETA’s Associates share the conviction that there are better alternatives and that a variety of money systems would be better for people, economy and nature than just one.

A list our founding members who are deceased or not active any more can be found here.


Brett Scott is an author and journalist writing about the intersections between money systems, finance and digital technology. In 2013 he published The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money with Pluto Press. It was a guide to the world of high finance and the emergent forms of alternative finance, alternative currencies […]

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Roland Spinola was born in Cologne and qualified as an engineer in Munich. He has been active as a trainer and speaker for many years. He worked for a long time as a systems analyst and trainer for IBM and latterly as manager of the leadership development program. During his 24 years at IBM he worked […]

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