za:rt is an Austrian initiative for practical networking activities between complementary currencies and exchange systems. The association provides a platform for networking groups from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. They are represented on the advisory board. At yearly meetings, the participating systems agree on joint rules, which are based on the governing Rules.
Main activities of the association:
Clearing: The “3Countries Clearing” is a Platform for interregional accounting between exchange circles, exchange rings, cooperation rings, regional currencies etc. in the German speaking countries. Each system pegs the worth of its accounting unit to an ‘hour’. This volume forms the basis for mutual accounting.
Networking: participating systems administer offers and requests that may be of interest to other systems through a common interregional marketplace.
Software: za:rt offers its members professional advice, equipment and support through use of the online payments platform Cyclos. This software for administering complementary currency systems was originally developed by the dutch NGO STRO Foundation, which has established a worldwide community of developers and users.
Projects: The association is involved in supporting local projects and initiates its own projects around the Bodensee in order to promote trans-border cooperation and the development of projects around various themes that base themselves on the use of a regional payment medium. These projects include project “Community Provision”, supported by the EU Interreg Project between 2008 and 2011, in which five partners from Germany, Switzerland and Austria took part.
za:rt on the Web:
Homepage: http://www.zart.org/ Vernetzungs- und Clearing-Plattform: https://zart.cyclos-srv.net/3lc/do/login
Postal address
Verein für Zusammenarbeit regionaler Tauschsysteme/Transaktionssysteme Weidenweg 2 A 6850 Dornbirn ZVR-Zahl: 023089021
Tel. +43 (o)664 6366161 Mail: info (at) zart.org
Board members: Gernot Jochum-Mueller, Dornbirn (A), Obmann, GVN Interreg Projekt Rolf Schilling, Bildstein (A), Kassier, 3Länder Clearing Heidi Lehner, Zürich (CH), Schriftführerin, deutschsprachiges Cyclos Netzwerk