The initiative TALENT Switzerland is an exchange ring with its own currency and offers “exchange with an alternative currency all over Switzerland”. TALENT is an interest-free exchange medium that offers a counterbalance to market globalization. TALENT was founded in 1993 by the Initiative for a Natural Economic Order. TALENT Switzerland has been an independently constituted voluntary organisation since 2001. TALENT Switzerland offers its members a networking platform with an online marketplace where offers can be made and paid for cashlessly through TALENT members’ accounts. Both professional and informal goods and services can be exchanged. Regional members’ groups organize local events and exchange markets. There are currently groups in the following regions:

  • Baden, Brugg, Frick
  • Basel
  • Biel
  • Bodensee
  • Zug

TALENT Switzerland on the Web

Postal address

Verein Talent Schweiz 5000 Aarau


Tel.  +41 (0)44 586 84 53 Skype: talentschweiz

Mail: info (at)

Secretariat: Ursula Dold

Tel. +41 (0)44 586 84 53
Opening hours Mondays from 08.30 – 11.30 am

Mail: sekretariat (at)

President:  Ursula Dold Postfach 459, 9113 Degersheim Tel. P. +41 (0)71 511 25 93

Mail: ursuladold (at)