Navigating the Polycrisis: A conference on European Macroeconomics

Call for Applications

Let’s talk about money: Our mission is to bring together scholars and practitioners to discuss the pressing challenges of our time. Fundamental changes in economic policy are needed to master the green transformation and move towards a postcolonial world which is more inclusive, gender-responsive and equitable for everyone.

We invite you to talk with us about topics like the fiscal framework of the eurozone, ideas for a Green New Deal, inflation, neocolonial dependencies, gender-sensitive monetary policy and many more.
Experts in their fields like Randall Wray, Yan Lian, and Nathan Tankus will present and discuss the latest developments in temporary economics, using the analytical lens of MMT for a deeper understanding of the challenges we face and advance our macroeconomic thinking.

The conference will be held in Berlin, Germany, September 9-11. If you are interested in new ideas on how to navigate the polycrisis, networking with other experts and engaging in lively discussions, you can sign up for the event on our Registration Page.

Call for Papers

The Samuel Pufendorf Society for Political Economy invites everyone to contribute to the 3rd European MMT Conference. This conference aims to shed light on the role MMT can play in addressing the challenges arising from the current economic and political issues.

After the world saw unconventional macroeconomic stabilization during the COVID-19 pandemic the return of inflation and the Russian invasion of Ukraine has shifted the macroeconomic discourse and tools.

We welcome extended abstracts in English or in German of 300 to 600 words which outline your research question, methodological and theoretical approach, interim results, and their relevance in light of the above topics. Presentations will take place online on September 11, 2023. You will have 30 minutes to present and 15 minutes for discussion. Presentations will take place preferably on site in Berlin but attending and presenting virtually will be made possible.

Keynote speakers:

  • Prof. L. Randall Wray
    Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
  • Prof. Yan Liang
    Willamette University

  • Nathan Tankus
    Modern Money Network

  • Prof. Steven Hail
    Torrens University

  • Warren Mosler 
    Vallance Inc.

  • And many more