The David Graeber Institute started its work in March of this year as a non-profit organization overseeing an extensive Archive of unpublished written and multimedia texts and continues David’s legacy and provides access to research and public discourse projects – some of which were started during his lifetime, and others related to themes and ideas that were important to him such as labor, debt, war and climate change.
At this year’s annual celebration of David Graeber’s life, we welcome you all to join the collective virtual launch of the David Graeber Institute with a series of apartment exhibitions (AptArt)  around the world facilitated by the Museum of Care, followed in January by an in-person launch in London and New York to mark the publication of his latest book, Pirate Enlightenment. 
To tie in with the Brain Trust project and our residency program, our first exhibition is dedicated to the work of our friends and partners at the Institute, art activist groups like Extinction Rebellion and Ocean Rebellion with their connection to David’s work on Pirates and the XR Brain Trust. We have put together a collection of artwork available to download and print as well as a  limited edition original artwork designed especially for this event which will be mailed out to you if you sign up early.