A team of international experts on complementary currency and legal questions compiled a toolkit for currency implementors and regulators in the following areas of legal compliance:


  1. Taxation

  2. Insurance

  3. Labor Law

  4. Data Protection and Safety

  5. Financial Services Regulation

  6. Acceptance of Community Currencies


The research focused in particular on the 6 pilot currencies show-cased by the CCIA partners, the represented currency models and the legal situation in the participating countries (UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany).

The toolkit contains:

  • 1 overview of legal and compliance areas

  • 1 overview of currency models

  • 1 overview of financial regulation of different CCs in the focus countries

  • 1 legal and compliance questionaire for currency project initiators

  • 6 compliance reports of the CCIA pilot currencies

  • 5 country-specific report covering all compliance areas


The CCIA Legal and Compliance Toolkit can be dowloaded here (zip-file, 21MB)