MONNETA is a centre of excellence and network of experts that concentrates on sustainable financial economy, social economy and complementary currency systems and communicates knowledge of alternatives to the current money system and financial economy. MONNETA’s Associates share the conviction that there are better alternatives and that a variety of money systems would be better for people, economy and nature than just one.

A list our founding members who are deceased or not active any more can be found here.


  Heike Isenschmid works as a Financial Coach with freelance firms, institutions and individuals. She worked as a consultant to two banks, Credit Suisse and UBS. Before that she worked worldwide over a 16 year period for large banks, including in leading positions such as IT Management. Through working with leading managers of large enterprises […]

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Frank Jansky is a lawyer and the chair of the German Regional Currencies Association. He was born in 1967 and grew up in Genthin. He trained as a machine builder and after his military service studied law at the University of Potsdam followed by internships at various law practices. Since 1998, he has been working […]

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Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiß, born 1962, studied economics and gained his doctorate in Munich on the topic of the Great Depression 1929-1932. After nine years as a banker in various commercial banks, including seven years as an investment banker, he has been Professor of finance and political economy at the University of Applied Sciences in […]

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Kathrin Latsch is the executive director of monneta gGmbH, a journalist and freelance author for reports and documentary films eg for ARTE and NDR. In 2007 she received the Ekotop Film Prize for „International Sustainable Development Film“. In addition, she facilitates events on the topics of economics, education, environment and sustainable finance. Since the finance […]

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Prof. Dr. Rainer Lenz, born in 1964, studied economics with a focus on monetary and exchange rate policy in Bonn and wrote his PhD-thesis in Karlsruhe on the Convertibility of the Russian Rouble. After working for seven years in investment banking at the Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank in Frankfurt (now DZ Bank), he changed to the academic […]

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Jens Martignoni, born 1963, trained as an engineer at the Technikum Winterthur, Switzerland and has an MBA in Nonprofit-Management from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Freiburg. He is a lecturer in Innovation Management and Mathematics at various technical universities and has been working for many years on the development of […]

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Niko Paech teaches at University of Siegen in Germany as part on their PluralistEconomics degree. He is an expert in Ecological Economics, Climate Change, Sustainable Consumption, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Sustainability Communication, Diffusion Theory, Innovation Management and Post-Growth Economics. More about his person, and his contact details, can be found at his personal profile on […]

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Stephanie is a founder and the board president for Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks (HUMANs) and Madison MAN Cooperative, founder and former co-director of the Dane County TimeBank, as well a musician and co-owner of Mother Fool’s Coffeehouse, all in Madison, WI, USA. She is also the board president of the Social Justice Center. Stephanie has a bachelor’s degree in […]

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Norbert Rost is a commercial IT specialist who leads the Office for Post-Fossil Regional Development in Dresden. He sees the region as the level where each person can have some influence. For him, regional currencies are a helpful tool for the creation of regional business networks and economic cycles. He shares his knowledge at the […]

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Ludwig Schuster, born 1975, is a project manager, consultant and speaker for sustainable development as well as an expert on complementary currencies and alternative money systems. He currently works in the ‘sinnwerkstatt Medienagentur GmbH’ in Berlin as a strategic consultant for eco-social enterprises. He has been advising start-up complementary currency systems in Germany and Europe […]

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