In seinem neuen Buch Grassroots Economics beleuchtet Will Ruddick, wie Gemeinschaften Ressourcen auch jenseits von Geld koordinieren können – durch Commitment Pools, Wechselseitigkeit und Vertrauen.
Building Deeper Collaboration CoFi 3 brings together attendees from previous CoFi events and welcomes many new participants for a week-long gathering at the Commons Hub in Austria. The event is designed to nurture both intellectual and social connections, with a dynamic schedule that includes structured sessions in the morning, unconference-style discussions in the afternoon, and […]
Am 27. + 28. Juni 2025 treffen in Berlin Visionen auf Lösungen!
Zwei Tage voller inspirierender Vorträge und kreativer Formate.
Professors Ben Braun (LSE) and Mark Blyth (Brown) are organizing a new edition of the Political Economy of Finance Summer School, to be held between July 5 and 7 at Brown University in Providence, RI. The School is open to doctoral candidates, post-doctoral fellows, and early career scholars from a wide range of disciplines and […]
The interdisciplinary summer university (5 ECTS) focuses on alternatives to the economic status quo: International participants deal with limits of growth, as well as the instabilities of our financial system and learn why a drastic system change is necessary to stabilize the world climate.