WIR Bank serves small and medium sized companies across Switzerland with seven branches and two main businesses, which grew out of the self-help organization WIR Economic Circle, founded by Werner Zimmermann in 1934. What began as a network of 300 firms and private individuals today includes 50,000 small and medium sized enterprises, which, with the […]

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Fairventure is „an initiative and a network for ‘cultural-creative’ people to come together undogmatically and learn about each other“. The goal of Fairventure is to create an overview of the commonalities between various disciplines and specialisms and make them visible. The idea of Fairventure was substantially inspired by the ideas of Paul Hawken, who described […]

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Original article by Christian Gelleri published in German in the magazine of INWO (Initiative for a Natural Economy), September 2015 Christian Gelleri and Thomas Mayer proposed a ‘second currency’ for Greece in 2011, which was followed by lots of media reports in March 2012. Greece’s problems have still not been solved. The country is still […]

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za:rt is an Austrian initiative for practical networking activities between complementary currencies and exchange systems. The association provides a platform for networking groups from Austria, Germany and Switzerland.  They are represented on the advisory board. At yearly meetings, the participating systems agree on joint rules, which are based on the governing Rules. Main activities of […]

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The initiative TALENT Switzerland is an exchange ring with its own currency and offers “exchange with an alternative currency all over Switzerland”. TALENT is an interest-free exchange medium that offers a counterbalance to market globalization. TALENT was founded in 1993 by the Initiative for a Natural Economic Order. TALENT Switzerland has been an independently constituted […]

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The Regional Currencies Association is a professional association for issuers of regional mediums of exchange, groups which audit regional currency issuance and promoters of the idea. Members of the network commit themselves in their regional currency activities to the agreed statement of Values and Quality: Werten und Qualitätsprinzipien. They exchange with each other, form networks, […]

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States have had varying degrees of influence in different times and places over how banks create money. In some periods, money creation and the denomination of coins was left completely to the commercial banks. In such times when individual banks had the power to issue their own banknotes one speaks of “Free Banking”. The market […]

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Innovative concepts for community currencies by Anna-Lisa Schmalz, München, 24.07.2013 Towns and communities have an interest in stable local businesses in a stable economy. As well as supporting the local economy, each local authority has of course other social, cultural or ecological goals, which cannot be supported to the desired extent because of a lack […]

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Even the experts rarely agree on the answer to this question. The worldwide crisis, into which the property bubble in the USA and the large ‘system relevant’ banks have sucked us all, shows however that this question is becoming more and more a question of survival for many people. Should we leave it to the […]

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The report can be downloaded here. Local Authorities and Municipalities across Europe are facing unprecedented socio-economic challenges in the context of budget cuts and increasing demand. It is in this challenging environment that Local Authorities and Municipalities are looking for innovative approaches and practical instruments that support them to deliver their core aims and responsibilities. […]

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