“The other day you said on the phone: Give me a problem and I’ll develop a complementary currency with which you can solve it. And I have to tell you this: Your imagination, your inexhaustible ideas on how to design, invent and transform money, simply amaze me every time. ”  Margrit Kennedy in a letter […]

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A new book by Bernard Lietaer shows the way to a sustainable world and calls for concrete measures from individuals and leaders.
Lietaer calls for a new perspective and three paradigm shifts essential for survival. With unsuitable means we half-heartedly try to repair the complicated clockwork of our world. This gets us nowhere. It won’t get us out of the crisis. The time has come to choose a completely different perspective and to lead ourselves and our world through “three paradigm shifts”.
This is what Bernard Lietaer demands in this book, which he dictated on his deathbed.

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Bernard Lietaer has been active in a wide variety of functions in the world of finance. At the Belgian Central Bank he was responsible for the introduction of the convergence mechanism for the single European currency system (ECU). After a period as president of the electronic payment system in Belgium he was cofounder and general […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Jump directly to the following questions covered in this interview: Q 1 – Where does money come from? Q 2 – Is money neutral? Q 3 – Why is money scarce? Q 4 – Can this monetary system […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Jump directly to the following questions covered in this interview: Q 1 – Where does money come from? Q 2 – Is money neutral? Q 3 – Why is money scarce? Q 4 – Can this monetary system […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Jump directly to the following questions covered in this interview: Q 1 – Where does money come from? Q 2 – Is money neutral? Q 3 – Why is money scarce? Q 4 – Can this monetary system […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Jump directly to the following questions covered in this interview: Q 1 – Where does money come from? Q 2 – Is money neutral? Q 3 – Why is money scarce? Q 4 – Can this monetary system […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Jump directly to the following questions covered in this interview: Q 1 – Where does money come from? Q 2 – Is money neutral? Q 3 – Why is money scarce? Q 4 – Can this monetary system […]

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