If you are researching policies that support resilience and social-ecological transformations to sustainability, UNRISD would like to hear from you. We are organizing a session on “The Transformation we want: Towards a global policy environment for resilient futures” at the Resilience 2017 conference, taking place in Stockholm, Sweden on 21-23 August 2017 and are seeking abstracts on policy reforms and innovations which will produce environmentally sustainable and socially just solutions.

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Democracies and open societies have recently suffered a number of setbacks. As the adverse impacts of financial crises, inequalities in wealth and income, globalized trade and capital mobility have become more pronounced the world is increasingly threatened by authoritarian populism. In this context of turmoil, many of the accepted doctrines and policies that had previously been taken for granted have been challenged, and concerns have been raised regarding the possible futures of economically and politically “open societies“.

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NESI Global Forum “New Economy and Social Innovation”, to be held on 19-22 April in Málaga (Spain) is a meeting place for people and organisations working to create a more sustainable, fair, collaborative and people-oriented New Economy. Professionals and citizens are calling to participate in this “Call for Proposals” open for those who want to share their good practices and/or solve a challenge through a collaborative process.

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The Digipay4Growth EU Projekt with prominent partners amongst complementary currency innovators and public sector ran from 2014 to end of 2016. Results and experiences will be presented at this event in Vienna. Registration and more info here.

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The 4th International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies will take place from Wed 10th to Sun 14th May 2017, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOC (www.uoc.edu, Castelldefels, Barcelona-Spain). More information, call for papers, registration here. UOC will organise the event together with Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems […]

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This free online course by the University of Cumbria will enable you to understand the past, present and future role of money in society. The 4th cohort starts 21st August 2016 and lasts 4 weeks. This course runs in English only.

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The Summer School Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (Vienna, July 27 – August 14, 2016, 5 ECTS, completely in English) is open to students of all fields and offers alternatives to the processes that are putting strains on our economic and eco-social boundaries. In addition to classic and new concepts from the field of economics, […]

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A constant in the history of money is that every remedy is reliably a source of new abuse. John Kenneth Galbraith, Money: whence it came, where it went For as long as money has existed in its two most popular forms – either as debt-based accounting systems or as notes and coins – it has […]

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Three common Misconceptions Three threatening Results Three possible Solutions In this 2013 presentation late Prof Margrit Kennedy describes three misconceptions most people hold about money; the results of these misconceptions, and thirdly offers three possible solutions in terms of monetary innovations. What is money? Let’s take the good news first. Money is one of the […]

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