Mutual Aid Networks (MAN) is a US based initiative with global reach. Its mission is “To create means for everyone to discover and succeed in work they want to do, with the support of their community.” MAN is a natural evolution from twenty years of local economic development work in Wisconsin, beginning with the local […]

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Positive Money describes itself as “the UK branch of a global movement to democratise money so that it works for society and not against it.” It was started by blogger and author Ben Dyson in the wake of the finance crisis of 2008.  There were two or three fringe groups campaigning for monetary reform in […]

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These 6 videos have been created and published by the Positive Money Campaign, UK: Part 1: Misconceptions Around Banking Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Before we discover how banks really work, and how money is created, first to clear up any confusion, […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Bernard Lietear, economist, central banker, psychologist, author and money designer, gives a vivid account of todays money sy­stem crisis – and what do to about changing it to serve us better. Lietaer talks about the four powerful human-created […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Those who would like to understand how money works and in which way it influences our lives, should ask Margrit Kennedy. Through her books and lectures she uncovers a fundamental flaw in our money system, that creates social […]

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For most of us, ‘currency’ automatically means ‘legal tender’ currency, for example the Dollar or Pound, which we use every day. Running in parallel with this ‘normal’ money there are also many forms of so-called complementary currencies, which complement the national currency without trying to replace it: Regional currencies, Customer Loyalty Programs, Business to Business […]

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The Dutch foundation STRO (Social Trade Organisation or Strohalm) was founded in 1970 by Henk van Arkel. Its original focus on environmental issues has shifted in the last twenty years ever more in the direction of activities in the area of alternative economics and particularly complementary currencies – always following the conviction that economic and […]

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Further economic reforms are being discussed around the world, new concepts are being conceived and new approaches tried. We can distinguish two main approaches here: Top-down reforms, initiated by government bodies Bottom- up reforms through altered economic behaviour between people. On this website you will find further explanations of the following themes: Common Good Economy […]

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Most people think that money is created by the state or the central bank. But central banks only issue the cash we use, which is about 10% of the total money supply. Only a fraction of money has its origin in the state, namely notes and coins. By contrast, around 90% of the money supply […]

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All the great religions include a ban on usury, the charging of unjust interest, and Islamic Banking still practices this principle today. Very worldly businesses that also practice interest-free banking include the Swedish JAK-Genossenschaftsbank, in which customers save and lend money without interest, regional currencies, or the idea of a currency with a “circulation incentive”, […]

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