The American philosopher Charles Eisenstein has popularized the idea of ‘living in the gift’. This means a culture in which people share with each other without expecting something in return. Large areas of our lives only work through the gift economy: most work done in families works on the principle of the ‘gift economy’, for […]

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People who want to make a contribution to reforming the financial or money system are often recommended to move their money to another bank or to include ethical criteria in their choice of investment. The anti-globalisation network Attac has been calling for some time now for people to change banks: instead of purely commercial banks […]

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Fairventure is „an initiative and a network for ‘cultural-creative’ people to come together undogmatically and learn about each other“. The goal of Fairventure is to create an overview of the commonalities between various disciplines and specialisms and make them visible. The idea of Fairventure was substantially inspired by the ideas of Paul Hawken, who described […]

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The Economy for the Common Good – an economic model with a future – is both an idea and a movement that wishes, through a democratic, participatory and open-ended process, to establish an economic system in which the common good has the highest priority. Money and economy should be the means to an end rather […]

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Connected with the question where we as savers invest our spare money is the question: where do entrepreneurs get their working capital from? A whole new business has established itself on the internet, so-called crowdfunding platforms. With crowdfunding, people are sought who will pool their money in order to get projects off the ground. This […]

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