A team of international experts on complementary currency and legal questions compiled a toolkit for currency implementors and regulators in the following areas of legal compliance:   Taxation Insurance Labor Law Data Protection and Safety Financial Services Regulation Acceptance of Community Currencies   The research focused in particular on the 6 pilot currencies show-cased […]

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The Digipay4Growth EU Projekt with prominent partners amongst complementary currency innovators and public sector ran from 2014 to end of 2016. Results and experiences will be presented at this event in Vienna. Registration and more info here.

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The 4th International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies will take place from Wed 10th to Sun 14th May 2017, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOC (www.uoc.edu, Castelldefels, Barcelona-Spain). More information, call for papers, registration here. UOC will organise the event together with Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems […]

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During this event of the EU Social Innovation Week implementation-experts, local politicians, innovative leaders and leading scientists will elaborate on a variety of community currencies from all over the world: why choose a CC as instrument, what choices were made and what pitfalls where avoided, how does it work in real life and most of […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Bernard Lietear, economist, central banker, psychologist, author and money designer, gives a vivid account of todays money sy­stem crisis – and what do to about changing it to serve us better. Lietaer talks about the four powerful human-created […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Those who would like to understand how money works and in which way it influences our lives, should ask Margrit Kennedy. Through her books and lectures she uncovers a fundamental flaw in our money system, that creates social […]

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