The Sardex currency initiative was launched in response to the economic decline that affected the island of Sardinia, Italy, in the aftermath of the financial crises. In 2010 four young entrepreneurs with little background and experience in finance or business launched the initiative as a limited liability company (Sardex s.r.l.) to leverage collaboration and […]

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The 4th International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies will take place from Wed 10th to Sun 14th May 2017, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOC (, Castelldefels, Barcelona-Spain). More information, call for papers, registration here. UOC will organise the event together with Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems […]

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Every two years, a dedicated international conference for research into complementary currencies and for exchange between academics and practitioners takes place. The first event of this kind was in Lyon, France, in February 2011, followed by a second conference in the Hague, Netherlands, in June 2013. In 2015, researchers from around the world met in […]

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  The “Community Currencies in Action” project was a collaboration between English, French, Dutch and Belgian partner organizations between 2012 and 2015, cofunded by the EU Interreg programme. (Original project website archived here)   Goals of CCIA The main aim was to promote different types of complementary currency and to bring together and expand the […]

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The Dutch foundation STRO (Social Trade Organisation or Strohalm) was founded in 1970 by Henk van Arkel. Its original focus on environmental issues has shifted in the last twenty years ever more in the direction of activities in the area of alternative economics and particularly complementary currencies – always following the conviction that economic and […]

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The New Economics Foundation (NEF) is a British ‘think tank’, which promotes economic and ecological justice. NEF has been the UK’s leading research organisation for money, credit and complementary currencies since 1986.

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Exchange rings give participants the opportunity to offer and exchange their goods and services with each other without using national currencies as a medium of exchange. Exchanges within the network are accounted for with units of time, points, ‘talents’ or even using whatever internal unit the members have agreed upon, which could also be national […]

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za:rt is an Austrian initiative for practical networking activities between complementary currencies and exchange systems. The association provides a platform for networking groups from Austria, Germany and Switzerland.  They are represented on the advisory board. At yearly meetings, the participating systems agree on joint rules, which are based on the governing Rules. Main activities of […]

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