The Regional Currencies Association is a professional association for issuers of regional mediums of exchange, groups which audit regional currency issuance and promoters of the idea. Members of the network commit themselves in their regional currency activities to the agreed statement of Values and Quality: Werten und Qualitätsprinzipien. They exchange with each other, form networks, […]

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Innovative concepts for community currencies by Anna-Lisa Schmalz, München, 24.07.2013 Towns and communities have an interest in stable local businesses in a stable economy. As well as supporting the local economy, each local authority has of course other social, cultural or ecological goals, which cannot be supported to the desired extent because of a lack […]

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The book People Powered Money (download as PDF) is one of the results of the project Community Currencies in Action (CCIA), which ran between 2011 and 2015. CCIA, which was part-funded by the European Union through its Interreg program, was the largest transnational project in the area of complementary currencies. It brought together experts from […]

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Occupy Money by Margrit Kennedy “So that in future we are ALL winners.” This book is an easily understandable appeal for new money that is interest-free, just and stable. It argues for a new bottom-up movement putting pressure on politics and economics in order to finally create a monetary system that serves people and not […]

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A 10min video by the NGO for regional development What are regional currencies? Regional/local currencies are a relatively new phenomenon in economy. Since in 2003 the “Chiemgauer”, a local currency at the lake Chiemsee (Germany) started off, the project has inspired many similar projects, and enriched the ideas about how money can function a […]

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