“Going Digital? New Possibilities of Digital-Community Currency Systems” Only in the past few years, crypto currencies such as Bitcoin and other altcoins/ tokens have rapidly spread all over the world, expanded its scale, and increased its number. However, we have witnessed in the recent bubble burst of crypto currencies that they have become quite volatile, […]

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Organised by IFLAS (the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability at the Unversitz of Cumbria) as part of the UNCTAD World Investment Forum in Geneva, Blockchains for Sustainable Development will be one of the very few blockchain-focused events this year that will have heads of state and senior government officials from around the world attending.

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This is the first of a series of Finance Watch workshops aimed at providing Finance Watch Members, but also regulators, journalists and other interested stakeholders, with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the diverse, and often challenging, landscape of Financial Technologies (FinTech) and to stimulate a discussion about their potential role in making finance serve […]

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The 4th International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies will take place from Wed 10th to Sun 14th May 2017, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOC (www.uoc.edu, Castelldefels, Barcelona-Spain). More information, call for papers, registration here. UOC will organise the event together with Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems […]

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The Dutch foundation STRO (Social Trade Organisation or Strohalm) was founded in 1970 by Henk van Arkel. Its original focus on environmental issues has shifted in the last twenty years ever more in the direction of activities in the area of alternative economics and particularly complementary currencies – always following the conviction that economic and […]

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Virtual currencies only exist in online ‘worlds’ and games. They have no physical form and cannot be used outside of these spaces. Some online gaming worlds like “Second Life” issue currencies. Players buy this currency with national currency. They can only use this currency to use, exchange or buy virtual objects for use in the […]

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