After three successful conferences in 2015,2016 and 2017 we are glad to announce our 4th Annual Monetary and Economics Scientific Conference. The conference is organized by the Monetary and Economic Research Center (MRC) and the department of Finance of UNWE. The Union of Ecnomists in Bulgaria and economic laboratorie CRIISEA are sponsors and coorganizers of the conference. It will take place at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria on 11-13th October, 2018.

Researchers interested in issues of monetary and economic problems are invited to discuss their work and to exchange ideas. Both empirical and theoretical studies within the following fields could be submitted:

  1. Monetary and Financial Economics
  2. International Economics and International Political Economy
  3. Economic History and History of Economic Thought
  4. Management& Marketing

The conference is open to anybody involved in these research areas, including both young and experienced researchers, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals from business, government and non-governmental institutions.

Keynote Speakers

  1. Xavier Richet, Emeritus professor, University Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, Jean Monnet Chaire ad personam, distinguished scholar on Eastern Europe and Balkans economies
  2. Prof. Mihail Golovin – Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Working languages

The official working language is English. Sessions in Russian, French and Bulgarian could be held depending on the request of participants.

The event is jointly organized by the Monetary Research Center (, Department of Finance at UNWE and The Union of Economists in Bulgaria.

More information, call for papers and registration at:

The 6th International Degrowth Conference in Malmö, Sweden, titled “Dialogues in turbulent times” will take place from August 21-25. It is organized by the Institute for degrowth studies (Institutet för nerväxtstudier),

This conference aims at expanding the geographical and thematic scope of degrowth discussions, as well as building dialogues with critical social theories, sciences and social movements. Malmö is a perfect city to host such a conference. Vibrant and mixed, but also relaxed and down-to-earth, it has a strong presence of alternative forms of organising and a varied cultural and grassroots life. We want this conference to further consolidate these and act as a platform for mutually enriching dialogues among groups from around the globe striving for a better world.

> More information
> Registration

On Sunday the 10th of June, a referendum about the introduction of a new monetary system will be held in Switzerland.

This marks a historic chance, allowing citizens to vote on who is to issue the money they use: leaving it to commercial banks as practices today or restore this as the exclusive right of the central bank.

More information about the referendum and the camplaing that brought it about can be found here:

Is a world dominated by profit and competition a good place to be? This summer program focuses on ways to restructure economic systems to embody sustainable use of resources and a more collaborate society overall.

At AEMS you learn about:

  • The variety of alternative economic and monetary systems that are already in practice worldwide.
  • Ecologic sustainability, population growth and the longterm managment of natural resources and energy.
  • Business ethics, consumerism, solidarity and the common good: The need for a new philosophy.

More information and registration soon here:

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Do flaws in our monetary system consistently cause financial crises?

So far, critical questions concerning our monetary system and the financial crisis have been underexposed.

The new film ‘A Flaw in the Monetary System?’ depicts in 7 ½ minutes consequences of interest and compound interest in the financial world in descriptive graphics. It illustrates the
systematic redistribution of money from the majority to the wealthy.

Join the Independent Money Alliance for two days of talks, discussion, workshops, networking – and socialising! Meet financial activists from the UK and beyond, share learnings, be inspired by the latest innovation and challenge your preconceptions.

A must for anyone involved in the world of local and alternative currencies, as well as anyone interested in challenging the financial status quo, Money, Power and People will feature a mix of inspirational ideas and pragmatic help for local currency practitioners.

More information, agenda and registration here:

This is the first of a series of Finance Watch workshops aimed at providing Finance Watch Members, but also regulators, journalists and other interested stakeholders, with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the diverse, and often challenging, landscape of Financial Technologies (FinTech) and to stimulate a discussion about their potential role in making finance serve society better.

More information about the day here:

Registration here.


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Our MONNETA film team travelled to Brussels to feature Finance Watch, an organisation that has been providing a counter weight to the lobby of the financancial industry since 2011.

Since 2017 MONNETA is  an organisational member of Finance watch.

The Summer School Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (5 ECTS, completely in English) is open to students and professionals of all fields and offers alternatives to the processes that are putting strains on our economic and eco-social boundaries. In addition to classic and new concepts from the field of economics, students will also hear presentations from natural and social sciences and discuss the actual leeway for economic and monetary reform.

More information and registration here:

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Jump directly to the following questions covered in this interview:

Q 1 –   How did you start thinking about money?
Q 2 –   Is your work on money-systems related to your personal experiences?
Q 3 –   What did you expect when you started your research and what do you think about your findings today?
Q 4 –   Do you see any positive effect of the financial-crisis of 2008?
Q 5 –   Do you think we will experience more financial crises in the future?
Q 6 –   Where do you see big obstacles for changing the financial system?
Q 7 –   Which practical projects do you consider capable of changing something in our economy?
Q 8 –   How likely is it, trying to make a living with work that you really enjoy?
Q 9 –   What would you tell people who feel helpless and ask, what they can do to make a change?
Q 10 – Does the monetary system hurt people? Do you have personal experience with systemic violence of the financial system?
Q 11 – How is scarcity of money artificially built into our system?
Q 12 – Regarding your children – what do you fear and what do you hope for?