The forum orgenised by the Change Finance Coalition will bring together:   A movement of civil society organisations and activists A network of academics and experts Sustainable economy and finance practitioners Engaged citizens   What can you expect?   A great line-up of speakers A unique network A charged atmosphere We will continue to develop our vision and […]

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This is the first of a series of Finance Watch workshops aimed at providing Finance Watch Members, but also regulators, journalists and other interested stakeholders, with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the diverse, and often challenging, landscape of Financial Technologies (FinTech) and to stimulate a discussion about their potential role in making finance serve […]

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Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren Our MONNETA film team travelled to Brussels to feature Finance Watch, an organisation that has been providing a counter weight to the lobby of the financancial industry since 2011. Since 2017 MONNETA is  an organisational member of Finance […]

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The New Economics Foundation (NEF) is a British ‘think tank’, which promotes economic and ecological justice. NEF has been the UK’s leading research organisation for money, credit and complementary currencies since 1986.

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Movements to reform money at the national level generally have a hard time. Their proponents must lobby for years or decades to gain influence over politicians and their advisors and they must present factually based and politically convincing concepts. If political reforms are realized, they often have far-reaching consequences because laws remain in force for […]

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