The “Community Currencies in Action” project was a collaboration between English, French, Dutch and Belgian partner organizations between 2012 and 2015, cofunded by the EU Interreg programme. (Original project website archived here)   Goals of CCIA The main aim was to promote different types of complementary currency and to bring together and expand the […]

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The Dutch foundation STRO (Social Trade Organisation or Strohalm) was founded in 1970 by Henk van Arkel. Its original focus on environmental issues has shifted in the last twenty years ever more in the direction of activities in the area of alternative economics and particularly complementary currencies – always following the conviction that economic and […]

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The New Economics Foundation (NEF) is a British ‘think tank’, which promotes economic and ecological justice. NEF has been the UK’s leading research organisation for money, credit and complementary currencies since 1986.

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The NuSpaarpas loyalty system for sustainable behaviour was a project that took place in the Netherlands between 2000 and 2002, in which people could collect ‘bonus points’ for activities benefiting the environment: sorting waste, shopping with 100 local shops or by buying environmentally-friendly or Fair Trade products. The project was a partnership between the Rotterdam […]

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Fairventure is „an initiative and a network for ‘cultural-creative’ people to come together undogmatically and learn about each other“. The goal of Fairventure is to create an overview of the commonalities between various disciplines and specialisms and make them visible. The idea of Fairventure was substantially inspired by the ideas of Paul Hawken, who described […]

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The book People Powered Money (download as PDF) is one of the results of the project Community Currencies in Action (CCIA), which ran between 2011 and 2015. CCIA, which was part-funded by the European Union through its Interreg program, was the largest transnational project in the area of complementary currencies. It brought together experts from […]

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